Tuesday, September 22, 2009


  • Beginners should not take young children their first time out.
  • No Flip flops! Old sneakers or true water sandals only should be worn.
  • Bring along a dry change of clothing.(leave in car, change when you return)
  • Bring along a thirst quenching drink (i.e. water, iced tea, lemonade) in a non-breakable container. Alcohol should not be taken on the river.
  • Carry food and clothing in a watertight container tied to canoe.
  • Allow sufficient time for swimming, picnicking, resting.
  • Keep off private property.
  • Respect fisherman and don't cross their lines.
  • Use litter bags and leave only tracks behind.
  • Use an eyeglass strap for your eyeglasses or sunglasses.
  • Lock valuables in car.
  • Wear your life jacket at all times.
  • Show respect to others on the river.
  • Protect yourself from the elements (sun, storms).
  • Enjoy the wildlife and wildflowers, but leave them behind.
  • Do not leave canoe or equipment unattended.
  • Do not overload your canoe.
  • Do not stand up in your canoe.
  • Dress for the water temperature and be prepared to get wet.

  • Taken from http://www.canoepa.com/tips/

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